Sunday, December 27, 2009 Project: Hope for the Future

Is there hope for the future of American Education? If educators continue to be innovative and caring, I think that there is!
It's time to weed out the bad teachers, and continue to encourage young teachers to be positive role models to their students. When teachers continue their own education, both formally and informally, they are bound to make a big impact on their students' lives.
Staying on top technology is one way to inspire young students. A fellow teacher and I just completed a workshop on integrating technology in the classroom. We took what we learned, and helped our students create powerpoints, movie files, and projects using digital photography. They were so excited about the projects, that my friend and I will continue to integrate these things in our classroom. To see the students so excited about learning gives me hope that innovative ideas like these will continue to inspire future students.
This post is a part of the MAT@USC Hope for the holidays event. Did you have an experience or witness something in 2009 that gave you hope for the future of American Education? If so, please see this post for more information on how to share it.